Women Are STEALING Sperm??

Ok, so I know what you’re thinking. How can a woman steal sperm? Why am I thinking about this in the first place? I was reading yahoo news, as I do several times a day, because I’m awesome like that. I came across a news article, here.

The article basically says that a man and a woman in the UAE, split up. Before they split, they were undergoing fertility treatments. After they split, she forged his signature at the clinic, and used his sperm, and got pregnant. She then sued him for child support, and won. I might be jumbling things up, because they mentioned several cases, one was where a woman saved a used condom, went to a clinic and impregnated herself with stolen sperm, sued the unwilling and unwitting guy for child support, and won. This was in the US! OMFG! 

She blatantly stole the sperm. She does not deserve to have money from the Father. She deserves to be thrown in jail, and have the child taken away, because she’s not mentally all there. She could have used donated sperm. It’s just wrong, and a violation of the mans rights too! And now he has to pay her? WTF????

Anyways, thats all. I was on my soap box, and had to talk about it…lol


Sugars and Loves,


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