It’s One Of Those Days!

I’m having a weird day. I feel good one minute, terrible the next. I’m having a menstrual cycle that feels like the flow of the Niagara Falls after a huge rainstorm. Yeah, that’s what I said. Deal with it, mm kay? I’m sorry I’m being bitchy, but I can’t help it. 😦 That’s part of the PCOS though, the almost non existent cycles, then when the dam bursts all hell lets loose!

At least I didn’t get a migraine before my period this month. I did get sick the other day, but I’m sure it had nothing to do with my impending period, but then again, who knows. I haven’t had a normal to me period since May I think.

Anyway, I got a new laptop today. I’m not writing on it yet. I need to put in my internet security key, and stuff. It’s all sleek and shiny though yay! I think it has a webcam, but I forgot to look. lol.

I would like to see laptops with wayyy more usb ports though. I don’t like a touchpad, so I have to use a mouse. That uses one of my ports, then, I want to have my external hard drive hooked up and ready, so that I can save all my shizz there, in case I spill water on my laptop again. I’ve done that twice this year already, by the way. This very laptop. Mike and I took it apart both times, dried the water we could see, and then put it in the closet upside down, (So the water would drip out, if necessary), and put it on top of one of those dollar store thingys, that suck water from the air. I guess its a dehumidifier, but not an electronic one…I will post a picture of it sometime, just to show what I mean. I diverted from my thought that time, I was talking about usb ports. The laptop I have now, an Acer Aspire 5516, has only 2 usb ports. Thats garbage. You need a MINIMUM of 4 I think. If you have a mouse, external drive, external speakers, chargers, a fan, or light, etc, you want to be able to use the things, without having to rely on a third party usb hub. USB hubs are usually garbage. The ones I’ve used are anyway. They give out half the time. Oh, and I almost forgot, my external hard drive has one of those cables that use TWO USB ports at once. You don’t have a choice. I need my regular mouse, I freaking hate touch pads. I wish it was easier to just try out laptops and see if you like it, and return it if not. Like a trial and error type thing. Without having to go through the hassle. I know I could return the one I have with a receipt, but you know how customer service people can be at some places. The place I got mine at is great, but still. Maybe I can be a laptop/computer reviewer someday. 😀

Oh, and I was at the Doctor yesterday. He told me something terrible, though not as terrible as I was fearing. I’m pre-diabetic. He said that my pancreas had handed in its walking papers. 😐 So, I have to smarten up, before I get diabetes. I can reverse this. He was upset, because I’m already on Metformin for my PCOS, so my blood tests should have showed perfect levels of insulin, which it did not. He said that if I was not on Metformin, he knows that I would have been diagnosed with diabetes. 😦

I need to find some easy fun recipes for diabetics, since he told me to eat like I’m already a diabetic, and this could prevent me from becoming one. If anyone reads this, and wants to direct me to something of that nature, please do.


Sugars & Loves,


Uh Oh! Medical Results!!

I’m sorry I haven’t written anything in a while. I’ve been super busy being lazy and apathetic, and a bit sick with stomach flu, aka vomiting and stuff. You totally know what I mean right?

Mike and I went up to the hospital for blood tests the other day, because we are both at risk for diabetes. Mike is not overweight, but Diabetes runs in his family. The Doctor’s office calls us the other day, and wants us to go there. Our Doctor doesn’t call us unless he has something bad to tell you. 😦 I’m super nervous. Please, God, don’t give us Diabetes too. Well, please don’t let us allow it to happen to ourselves. Nooooo!

I’m not feeling in a totally happy mood today. My Sister is going through some shit with her bi-polar Husband, and I use the term Husband loosely. I think I shall call him her jerk face. I would like to call him worse, but hey, maybe someone younger might happen upon my blog. So, he doesn’t think there is anything wrong with him, but he is always going off on my sister for the stupidest things. It could be as tiny as what time supper is ready, or something. He contstantly creates HUGE drama, and leaves her in some area of the country or other, (They work across the country), and she has to pick up the pieces, then once he is over his meltdown, he comes back, promises to change, and does, for 5 – 10 minutes, and then its back to the same old thing. Oh, and according to him, its ALWAYS someone else’s fault. Sigh. I have no business talking about my Sisters life, but I just feel so bad for her. 😦

Then, a niece of mine, who is of age, is pregnant AGAIN for a total loser of a boyfriend. He does weed and other drugs. He is a deadbeat, but she never leaves him for more than 4 hours. How come these sorts of people get to be parents? Don’t get me wrong, she’s not a terrible Mother by any means, but staying in that situation with him is not good for the baby she already has, or her of course.

Me and my honey totally have lots of love to give. I don’t smoke or drink, just don’t want to. I don’t do drugs. I have a hard enough time taking the ones I’m prescribed, let alone illegal mind altering ones. I mean what if I lost my awesome personality? The world would surely stop spinning. lol. My husband, Mike, smokes, drinks very very very occasionally, and doesn’t do drugs either.  (We share a lot of the same views.) I’m not sure if you could believe this, but he is even MORE awesome than I am!! I know, right? How can it be? Well, it is. It’s totally true. hehee. When I’m a total bee-yatch, he offers me a hug. I could be being nasty because of a PCOS hormone shift, and he’s just like  full of love. He gets me. Cheesy, but, it’s true. He really does complete me. 🙂 ♥

Don’t roll your eyes!

Well, I have to go pee, and cook supper, so I’m signing off. 🙂


Sugars and Loves,
