Am I Dumb Or What?!?

Well, I’m very frustrated with myself today. I’m trying to move my blog to my own domain. I went and registered my domain at for 75 cents. Then, I don’t have a web host, so I look for a free one, but it seems that wordpress just doesn’t run properly on it. Maybe it can, but my brain really feels fried today, trying to figure it all out.

I want to be able to run google adsense on my blog. Apparently, you can’t do that with a blog thats hosted at You have to host it elsewhere.

I tried to use to host my website, but because it’s free, it doesn’t seem to properly support wordpress. I could be wrong? Does anyone know how to do it?

So then, I go to a recommended, and I sign up. I did it wrong,  because I already have a domain name, and they can’t transfer one thats less than 60 days old. I only bought it today. Damn it! I don’t remember this shiznit being this hard the last time I registered a domain or made a web page. I’m surely driving the people at nuts, with all my questions, and how stupid I seem. I promise, I’m not stupid…

The Curious Case of My Buck Or Two Mug!

I have to write about this, because it’s important. To me. Anyway, about 10 years or so ago, (Boy, does that make me sound old or what?), I bought this awesome, super duper huge bowl/mug at A Buck Or Two. A Buck Or Two is this awesome store, basically like Dollarama, but with slightly more expensive things for the most part. The Mug I bought was $2.00. It’s the size of 3 or 4 mugs I suppose, or two cereal bowls, but it has a handle. I love to have soup in it, because I don’t have to worry about spillage, etc. I also love making huge hot chocolate, or coffee on those days I’m cranky. (So….pretty much everyday!).

I have asked them about this mug, they don’t remember it. They likely don’t, it’s a long time ago. man I wish I had bought 10 of them! I’m going to post the pics of it, with a standard size red corelle mug in it, to show comparison. I would be ever so grateful if you knew where I could get another few of these. Like I said, it is about 10 years old, I have used the heck out of it, and it has not chipped, cracked, or otherwise broken. There are no markings on the bottom to help me identify who made it. 😦

Oh, the mug does not have to have the same colours, or patterns. I just want it to be the same shape and size. 🙂 Oh, just to be clear, I want one like the white mug. I just put the corelle one in there to show how big the white one is. 😀 So, if you know where I could get one like this, let me know. I have so far checked Dollarama, A Buck Or Two multiple times, Canadian Tire, Wal-Mart, & Rossy.ImageImageImage

Toddlers & Tiaras – Dec 26th, 2012

So, I’m watching this episode now, and that annoying Mother of “Faithlynn”, is being a total beeyatch again. How  can an adult talk about children in such a nasty way?

I don’t have any kids yet, but I’m sure as heck that I won’t talk about other kids like she does. I don’t talk about them that way now. This Mother, and I use that term loosely, because she’s a very poor excuse for one, has a disgusting and judgmental attitude. She just irritates me. I can’t see how her poor child could possibly grow up well adjusted like that.

She said that Gracie was a clown, simply because she also wore a red dress, like her daughter, Faithlynn did. I wasn’t aware she owned the rights to the colour red. Duly noted. She also says her daughter looked hotter. I can understand thinking that your child looks prettier, but hotter is not an appropriate term for a child. She was very immature too, trying to bring kids in on her poor attitude, because the adults wanted none of it. She said that Gracie was ugly. Come on…that’s just wrong! Luckily, the little girls ignored the comment. It’s sad when a child is more mature than an adult.

They showed Faithlynn’s Moms face after Gracie performed, and she had this gloating smirk as she looked at her daughter. WTF? Childish much?!?! THEN, and this is sooo annoying to me, she had her daughter make fun of Gracies “popping” dance move, to be honest, it looks like something a stripper would do, not something a child should even know exists, let alone know how to do. Then Faithlynn shows how its “really done.” Poor kid.

Gracie’s Mother has had enough of the drama by this time, and she confronts Faithlynn’s Mother, and Faithlynn’s Mother being the immature person she is, walks away, and throws an insult over her shoulder, that Gracie’s Mother is “trash”.

Now, I need to ask….why do I even watch this show? lol. It annoys me so much, and surely it kills my brain cells, especially when these brain dead fame whore Mothers use their kids to make themselves feel accomplished. That is all.

Sugars and Loves,


Vileda Pro Mist Mop Review


Ok, I’m pretty up front about my opinions on things. I have a Swiffer wet jet, which is good and all, but they try to force you to buy their brand of refills for the cleaner, and the pads, which are little more than huge panty liners, yes? Anyway, if you’re like me, you refuse to give in to their corporate bully tactics, and you figure out a way to get around it. I purchased some reusable washable pads at Dollarama, but they shrink in hot water. I like to wash them in hot water so that they don’t keep germs on them.  I also figured out a way to pop the top of the cleaner bottle, and refill it. But, all this gets tedious, and I feel like I shouldn’t have to, when I pay enough for the Swiffer in the first place.

So, I see a commercial for . I think it looks cool. I figure it will likely be crap, as most things on tv are, when you actually buy them. I saw it in Wal-Mart a few days ago, and it looked pretty cool, the pads looked sturdy, and are washable, up to 100 times, the package says. Here is the best part though, the bottle is supposed to be filled with your own concoctions of cleaner. You can use something you like, or something that is safer for your family, if you have allergies. You can also be sure to save money by mixing it up yourself!

The Vileda Mop comes with two pads. One is meant for tougher messes, the other for gentle cleaning. Both can be washed and reused, but they won’t last forever, according to the package.  There is another awesome perk to the Vileda Mop. Even though the pads that come with it secure to the bottom with Velcro, like the Swiffer, it also has those little holes with the teeth, for grabbing onto your home made, or cheap brand pads. You could even use an old cut up towel if you wanted. (I did). I also used the reusable pad that I had bought at Dollarama for the Swiffer wet jet, that had shrunk and wouldn’t fit the Swiffer any more. Wouldn’t you know it, it fits the Vileda perfectly! 😀 Also, the vileda doesn’t use batteries. The mechanism sprays much farther and with a more misty effect than the Swiffer wet jet ever did, and that takes batteries.

The Vileda Mop was on sale, I got it for $22.98. I love it. It’s there, its easier than getting a mop and bucket and getting your hands dirty . You don’t have to worry about chemical burns on your skin from putting your hands into the hot/dirty/toxic  mop bucket, because there is no bucket needed! When you are done, pop the pad off, throw it in the laundry and voila!

I’d highly recommend it. It costs about 2 times more than a good old style Mop, but does the work far more efficiently! I can’t wait to see if Vileda comes out with a Swiffer Sweeper Vac type product.

PS: I am not getting paid for this post, and I bought the vileda on my own, out of my own money…well,  my Husbands money, but whatever, it’s mine too right? Lol

Sugars and Loves,



Ok, so I figured out how to use Microsoft Word, to update my blog. Woohoo! I’m testing it out right now, because it would be awesome, I loves me some Microsoft word, and I would be able to make this blog look a little purtier. I didn’t even use google to help me figure it out. Yay!


Ok, so anyway, I’ve been a bitch at least twice today already, and I’m pretty angry with myself. It’s the hormones. Must be, because I woke up with a slight migraine today. I took some Advil right away, so I’m ok now. I have to be honest, and no one is paying me to say this, I love Advil for when I get headaches. I have prescription headache remedies that don’t do what Advil can do. I sometimes get migraines so bad, that I vomit. It’s terrible excruciating pain. I usually get them behind or above my eyes. Sometimes they radiate down my jaw, but usually stick to the eye area. I get dizzy and feel weak, but the nausea is very overwhelming. Anyway, I don’t feel too under the weather right now, so I should be ok. If it is hormones, that’s a good thing, maybe I’m ovulating. I better stop being a jerk, and make some advances toward my sexy ginger Husband later. LOL.

I was going to write about Ellen Degeneres, but I will save that for a whole separate post. She deserves her own post from me. I’m super important in that way. Lol. Right. If anyone at all ever reads this, it probably won’t be the worlds most awesome talk show host/comedian/silly dancer.

It’s One Of Those Days!

I’m having a weird day. I feel good one minute, terrible the next. I’m having a menstrual cycle that feels like the flow of the Niagara Falls after a huge rainstorm. Yeah, that’s what I said. Deal with it, mm kay? I’m sorry I’m being bitchy, but I can’t help it. 😦 That’s part of the PCOS though, the almost non existent cycles, then when the dam bursts all hell lets loose!

At least I didn’t get a migraine before my period this month. I did get sick the other day, but I’m sure it had nothing to do with my impending period, but then again, who knows. I haven’t had a normal to me period since May I think.

Anyway, I got a new laptop today. I’m not writing on it yet. I need to put in my internet security key, and stuff. It’s all sleek and shiny though yay! I think it has a webcam, but I forgot to look. lol.

I would like to see laptops with wayyy more usb ports though. I don’t like a touchpad, so I have to use a mouse. That uses one of my ports, then, I want to have my external hard drive hooked up and ready, so that I can save all my shizz there, in case I spill water on my laptop again. I’ve done that twice this year already, by the way. This very laptop. Mike and I took it apart both times, dried the water we could see, and then put it in the closet upside down, (So the water would drip out, if necessary), and put it on top of one of those dollar store thingys, that suck water from the air. I guess its a dehumidifier, but not an electronic one…I will post a picture of it sometime, just to show what I mean. I diverted from my thought that time, I was talking about usb ports. The laptop I have now, an Acer Aspire 5516, has only 2 usb ports. Thats garbage. You need a MINIMUM of 4 I think. If you have a mouse, external drive, external speakers, chargers, a fan, or light, etc, you want to be able to use the things, without having to rely on a third party usb hub. USB hubs are usually garbage. The ones I’ve used are anyway. They give out half the time. Oh, and I almost forgot, my external hard drive has one of those cables that use TWO USB ports at once. You don’t have a choice. I need my regular mouse, I freaking hate touch pads. I wish it was easier to just try out laptops and see if you like it, and return it if not. Like a trial and error type thing. Without having to go through the hassle. I know I could return the one I have with a receipt, but you know how customer service people can be at some places. The place I got mine at is great, but still. Maybe I can be a laptop/computer reviewer someday. 😀

Oh, and I was at the Doctor yesterday. He told me something terrible, though not as terrible as I was fearing. I’m pre-diabetic. He said that my pancreas had handed in its walking papers. 😐 So, I have to smarten up, before I get diabetes. I can reverse this. He was upset, because I’m already on Metformin for my PCOS, so my blood tests should have showed perfect levels of insulin, which it did not. He said that if I was not on Metformin, he knows that I would have been diagnosed with diabetes. 😦

I need to find some easy fun recipes for diabetics, since he told me to eat like I’m already a diabetic, and this could prevent me from becoming one. If anyone reads this, and wants to direct me to something of that nature, please do.


Sugars & Loves,


Women Are STEALING Sperm??

Ok, so I know what you’re thinking. How can a woman steal sperm? Why am I thinking about this in the first place? I was reading yahoo news, as I do several times a day, because I’m awesome like that. I came across a news article, here.

The article basically says that a man and a woman in the UAE, split up. Before they split, they were undergoing fertility treatments. After they split, she forged his signature at the clinic, and used his sperm, and got pregnant. She then sued him for child support, and won. I might be jumbling things up, because they mentioned several cases, one was where a woman saved a used condom, went to a clinic and impregnated herself with stolen sperm, sued the unwilling and unwitting guy for child support, and won. This was in the US! OMFG! 

She blatantly stole the sperm. She does not deserve to have money from the Father. She deserves to be thrown in jail, and have the child taken away, because she’s not mentally all there. She could have used donated sperm. It’s just wrong, and a violation of the mans rights too! And now he has to pay her? WTF????

Anyways, thats all. I was on my soap box, and had to talk about it…lol


Sugars and Loves,
